News & Publications

08 July 2024Press releasesEACH’s Women in Clearing Series: Froukelien Wendt, Independent Member of the CCP Supervisory Committee at ESMAshow document
18 June 2024ResponsesEACH publishes high-level response to the FSB consultation paper on Liquidity Preparedness for Margin and Collateral Callsshow document
10 June 2024Press releasesEACH’s Women in Clearing Series: Perrine Herrenschmidt, Head of ISDA Brussels Officeshow document
07 June 2024Press releasesEACH elects the EACH Co-chairs, new Board and agrees the strategy at its 2024 AGMshow document
07 June 2024Position papersJoint Associations’ High-Level Principles on the Implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)show document
03 June 2024Position papersEACH CSDR Settlement Discipline Framework – Updated Version – June 2024show document
29 May 2024Position papersJoint Associations’ Letter – European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)show document
23 May 2024Position papersEACH Paper – CCP Core Cyber Incident Handling Principles – May 2024show document
14 May 2024ResponsesEACH Response – CPMI-IOSCO report on Streamlining Variation Margin in centrally cleared markets – examples of effective practicesshow document
08 May 2024Press releasesEACH’s Women in Clearing Series: Denise Holder, Director Compliance at Cboe Clear Europeshow document
16 April 2024ResponsesEACH Response – BCBS-CPMI-IOSCO consultative report on transparency and responsiveness of initial margin in centrally cleared markets – April 2024show document
09 April 2024Press releasesEuropean T+1 Industry Task Force comments on recent UK report on moving to T+1 & outlines its next stepsshow document
08 April 2024Press releasesEACH’s Women Clearing Series – Inspiration with Isabella Tirri, Manager of Post-Trade Regulation of Euronext Clearingshow document
08 March 2024Press releasesEACH’s Women in Clearing Series: Hester Serafini, President of ICE Clear Europeshow document
05 March 2024ResponsesEACH response – ESAs consultation on subcontracting ICT services supporting critical or important functionsshow document
05 March 2024ResponsesEACH response – ESAs consultation on elements related to threat led penetration testsshow document
05 March 2024ResponsesEACH response – ESAs consultation on major incident reporting under DORAshow document
29 February 2024ResponsesEACH Response – ESMA consultation on Technical Advice on CSDR Penalty Mechanismshow document
18 December 2023ResponsesEACH response – ESMA Call for evidence on shortening settlement cyclesshow document
08 December 2023ResponsesEACH Response – ESMA consultation on Draft Technical advice to the European Commission on fees charged to Tier 1 Third-Country CCPs under EMIRshow document
20 November 2023ResponsesEACH Response – FSB consultation on resources and tools for CCP resolutionshow document
19 October 2023ResponsesEACH Response – IOSCO consultation on Decentralised Finance (DeFi)show document
12 September 2023ResponsesEACH Response – ESAs’ consultation paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards to further harmonise ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policiesshow document
12 September 2023ResponsesEACH Response – ESAs’ consultation paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards specifying the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threatsshow document
12 September 2023ResponsesEACH Response – ESAs’ consultation paper on Draft RTS to specify the detailed content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providersshow document
23 June 2023ResponsesEACH Response – European Supervisory Authorities’ discussion paper on DORAshow document
08 March 2023Press releasesEACH launches ‘Women in Clearing Network’show document
28 February 2023ResponsesEACH Feedback to ESMA preliminary data report on the Market Correction Mechanism (MCM)show document
16 February 2023Position papersEACH Forum Paper: Decentralized Clearing? An Assessment of the Impact of DLTs on CCPsshow document
07 December 2022Press releasesEACH welcomes the European Commission proposals to make European CCPs more competitive while safeguarding resilience – Press releaseshow document
07 December 2022Press releasesEACH welcomes the European Commission proposals to make European CCPs more competitive while safeguarding resilience – Appendixshow document
01 December 2022Press releasesAssociation papers on client participation in CCP auctions and CCP auction governanceshow document
01 December 2022Position papersCCP12/EACH paper on CCP Governance and Default Management Groups – (Default Auctions Category 2 issues)show document
01 December 2022Position papersJoint association paper on Client participation – (Default Auctions Category 2 issues)show document
25 November 2022Press releasesImpact of gas price cap on CCP Clearingshow document
01 November 2022Press releasesSKDD-CCP Smart Clear joins EACH membershipshow document
26 October 2022Position papersJoint Associations’ Letter – Call for an urgent expansion of the collateral requirements in energy marketsshow document
04 October 2022ResponsesEACH response – CPMI-IOSCO consultation “A discussion paper on central counterparty practices to address non default losses”show document
30 September 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on the clearing and derivative trading obligations in view of the 2022 status of the benchmark transitionshow document
15 September 2022ResponsesEACH response – Bank of England consultation paper on the fees regime for incoming central counterpartiesshow document
12 September 2022Position papersJoint Associations’ Letter – Relieve cash liquidity pressure on market participants by extending eligible non-cash collateralshow document
09 September 2022ResponsesEACH Response – ESMA consultation on the amendment of Article 19 Settlement Discipline Regime (SDR)show document
07 September 2022Press releasesEACH Statement – Importance of energy markets remaining open and measures that do not distort price formationshow document
01 September 2022Position papersEACH Paper – Enhancing the eligibility of collateral: Bank Guarantees and Emission Allowancesshow document
22 August 2022Position papersEACH Letter – Restrictions brought by the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)show document
19 August 2022ResponsesEACH response – OECD consultation: Progress Report Amount Ashow document
01 August 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on Draft Guidelines on the assessment of resolvabilityshow document
01 August 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on Draft Guidelines on the types and content of the provisions of Cooperation Arrangementsshow document
01 August 2022ResponsesEACH Response – ESMA consultation on Draft Guidelines on the summary of resolution plansshow document
20 July 2022Position papersEACH Note – Timelines for the transition to risk-free ratesshow document
08 July 2022Press releasesPress release – ESMA fourth CCP Stress Test confirm the resilience of European CCPsshow document
25 May 2022ResponsesEACH Response – European Commission legislative proposal on CSDR Reviewshow document
25 May 2022Press releasesPress release – EACH celebrates 30 years and elects new Board at its 2022 AGM – May 2022show document
23 May 2022ResponsesEACH Response “Pillar One to the OECD consultation Amount A: Regulated Financial Services Exclusion May 2022 ”show document
29 April 2022ResponsesEACH feedback – FSB-CPMI-IOSCO Report “Central Counterparty Financial Resources for Recovery and Resolution”show document
22 April 2022Position papersJoint Associations’ paper on access to short-term liquidity or guarantees provided by public entities and extension of eligible collateral to maintain the functioning of EU energy markets in times of extreme wholesale price developmentshow document
21 April 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA call for evidence on Climate Risk Stress Testing of CCPSshow document
12 April 2022ResponsesEACH feedback – European Commission proposal for a Council Directive on ‘VAT – extension of ‘optional reverse charge’ and ‘quick reaction’ mechanismsshow document
31 March 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on anti-procyclicality (APC) of marginsshow document
22 March 2022ResponsesEACH response – European Commission target consultation on the review of the central clearing framework in the EUshow document
02 March 2022Press releasesEACH Statement – Suspension of EACH Russian Member CCP NCC Membershipshow document
25 February 2022ResponsesEACH response – Bank of England consultation on tiering incoming central counterpartiesshow document
07 February 2022ResponsesEACH response – CMPI-IOSCO discussion paper on client clearing access and portabilityshow document
25 January 2022ResponsesEACH response – BCBS-CPMI-IOSCO consultative report ‘Review of margining practices’show document
24 January 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on the application of the circumstances under which a CCP is deemed to be failing or likely to failshow document
24 January 2022ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on the methodology to value each contract prior to terminationshow document
10 December 2021Position papersEACH Paper – CCP access to Central Banks’ facilitiesshow document
01 December 2021ResponsesEACH response – CPMI-IOSCO consultative report “Application of the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures to stablecoin arrangements”show document
11 June 2021Position papersEACH Paper ‘CCP resilience during the COVID-19 Market Stress’show document
21 May 2021Press releasesEACH General Assembly reviews the resilience of European CCPsshow document
21 May 2021Press releasesEACH General Assembly reviews the resilience of European CCPsshow document
  • EACH
  • 04 May 2021Position papersEACH Paper ‘Best Practices in CCP Credit Risk Management’show document
    14 March 2021ResponsesEACH response – European Commission inception impact assessment on CSDR Reviewshow document
    12 February 2021Position papersJoint Association paper on Terminology and Operational Aspects (Default Auctions Category 1 issues)show document
    04 February 2021Position papersCorrelation Breakdowns, Spread Positions, and CCP Margin Modelshow document
    02 February 2021ResponsesEACH Response – European Commission consultation on CSDR Reviewshow document
    01 February 2021Position papersEACH Paper ‘Climate Risk and CCP Risk Management’show document
    18 January 2021Position papersEACH Paper ‘Carrots and sticks: How the skin in the game incentivises CCPs to perform robust risk management’show document
    17 December 2020Position papersEACH Note on Digital Operational Resilience (DORA)show document
    14 December 2020ResponsesJoint EACH-ECSDA-FESE response to the OECD consultation “Reports on the Pillar One and Pillar Two Blueprints”show document
    16 November 2020ResponsesEACH response – ESMA Consultation Paper on EMIR Articles 15 and 49show document
    08 September 2020Press releasesResilience of European CCPs confirmed by Fire Drill Tests in BCP modeshow document
    08 July 2020Position papersEACH Framework on CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime – Updated Versionshow document
    08 July 2020Press releasesEACH publishes updated version of the “EACH Framework on CSDR SDR“show document
    24 June 2020Press releasesEACH welcomes the political agreement on CCP Recovery and Resolution which will enhance financial stability and further protect taxpayersshow document
    20 June 2020Position papersEACH note on EMIR Article 49: Review of Model and Parametersshow document
    18 June 2020Position papers‘Let’s make markets safer, not weaker’ – An EACH note on CCP Recovery and Resolutionshow document
    13 June 2020Press releasesESMA CCP Stress Tests confirm the resilience of European CCPsshow document
    10 June 2020ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on central clearing solutions for PSAsshow document
    10 June 2020ResponsesEACH response – ESMA consultation on PTRR servicesshow document
    02 June 2020Press releasesEACH Elects Board and defines Strategy for 2020 – 2022show document
    17 April 2020Press releasesEACH statement on the transition from EONIA to €STR discounting regimeshow document
    12 February 2020Position papersEACH Framework on CSDR Settlement Disciplineshow document
    06 February 2020Press releasesEACH elects Board and defines Strategy for 2020-2022show document
  • EACH
  • 25 July 2019Position papersUncleared Margin Rules – EACH takes note of the work on uncleared margin rules and calls for its efficient implementation – IOSCOshow document
  • 28 March 2019Position papersCCPs Recovery & Resolution – EACH welcomes the European Parliament’s vote on CCP Recovery and Resolution and warns about unsubstantiated capital increase proposal. – European Parliamentshow document
  • European Parliament
  • 04 September 2018Press releasesCommon energy sector – Joint industry statement on keeping EU energy and emissions markets protected from VAT fraud beyond 2018 – VAT Fraud Preventionshow document
  • Common energy sector
  • 15 May 2018Position papersEACH note on the role of Central Bank of Issue in the context of EMIR Reviewshow document
    16 November 2017ResponsesEACH response to the European Commission’s consultation on post-trade in a Capital Market Union: dismantling barriers and strategy for the futureshow document
    16 November 2017ResponsesEPTF Consultation – EACH response to the European Commission’s consultation on post-trade in a Capital Market Union: dismantling barriers and strategy for the future – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 31 October 2017ResponsesEACH feedback on the European Commission proposal for a regulation on ‘Further amendments to the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)show document
    31 October 2017ResponsesEMIR Review – EACH feedback on the European Commission proposal for a regulation on ‘Further amendments to the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 26 September 2017Press releasesStress tests – CCP12 and EACH respond on Framework for supervisory stress testing of central counterparties – CPMI-IOSCOshow document
  • 24 August 2017ResponsesCCP conflicts of interest management – ESMA consultation on guidelines on ‘CCP conflicts of interest management’ – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 15 June 2017ResponsesFintech – European Commission public consultation on Fintech – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 16 May 2017ResponsesEuropean Supervisory Authorities – European Commission public consultation on the operations of the European Supervisory Authorities – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 13 March 2017ResponsesGuidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning – FSB Consultative document ‘Guidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning’ – FSBshow document
  • FSB
  • 20 February 2017ResponsesContinuity of Access to FMIs for a Firm in Resolution – FSBshow document
  • FSB
  • 04 November 2016Position papersLetter to the Basel Committee on Leverage Ratioshow document
    04 November 2016Position papersLeverage ratioshow document
  • Participants in cleared derivatives markets
  • 25 October 2016ResponsesMacro-prudential – European Commission consultation on the ‘Review of the EU macro-prudential policy framework’ – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 19 October 2016ResponsesCCPs Resilience and Recovery – CPMI-IOSCOshow document
  • 18 October 2016ResponsesCCPs Resolution – FSB discussion note on CCP Resolution Planning – FSBshow document
  • FSB
  • 05 September 2016ResponsesEMIR – ESMA consultation on the clearing obligation for financial counterparties with a limited volume of activity – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 02 September 2016ResponsesDLT – ESMA consultation on the discussion paper on ‘Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets’ -ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 29 April 2016Press releasesEACH – European CCPs stand the test – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 22 April 2016ResponsesSFTR – ESMA discussion paper ‘Draft RTS and ITS under the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation’ – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 24 February 2016ResponsesOTC Derivatives, trade reporting – CPMI-IOSCO consultation paper ‘Harmonisation of the Unique Product Identifier (UPI)’ – CPMI-IOSCOshow document
  • 23 February 2016ResponsesCybersecurity – CPMI-IOSCO consultation paper ‘Guidance on cyber resilience for financial infrastructure’ – CPMI-IOSCOshow document
  • 17 February 2016Position papersEMIR, equivalence – EACH welcomes EU-US agreement on a ‘Common approach for transatlantic CCPs’ – European Commission, CFTCshow document
  • CFTC
  • European Commission
  • 01 February 2016ResponsesEU regulatory framework – European Commission Call for evidence ‘EU regulatory framework for financial services’ – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 19 January 2016Press releasesTransparency – European CCPs start publishing quantitative data in line with CPMI-IOSCO’s Public Quantitative Disclosure Standards – EACHshow document
  • EACH
  • 18 December 2015ResponsesEMIR/MiFIR – ESMA consultation Paper 2015/1628 on ‘Indirect clearing arrangements under EMIR and MiFIR’ – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 30 September 2015Press releasesCCPs – The CCPs’ perspective: EACH presentation at the 2nd Annual Post-Trade Forum – Viennashow document
  • EACH
  • 07 August 2015ResponsesBRRD – EBA consultation on the valuation of derivatives under BRRD – EBAshow document
  • EBA
  • 06 August 2015ResponsesCSDR – ESMA RTS on CSDR – The operation of the buy-in process – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 24 July 2015Position papersEACH views on portfolio marginingshow document
    22 July 2015Position papersExtension of the use of bank guarantees in the context of EMIRshow document
    09 June 2015Position papersBest practices for CCPs stress testsshow document
    09 June 2015Position papersAdditional subjects – An effective Recovery and Resolution Regime for CCPsshow document
  • EACH publications
  • 12 May 2015ResponsesCMU – European Commission public consultation on ‘Building a Capital Markets Union’ – European Commissionshow document
  • European Commission
  • 23 February 2015ResponsesCBR – IOSCO consultation report Task Force on Cross-Border Regulation – IOSCOshow document
  • 15 January 2015ResponsesMiFID – ESMA consultation on the guidelines on the application of C6 and C7 of Annex I of MiFID – ESMAshow document
  • ESMA
  • 16 December 2014Position papersAn effective Recovery and Resolution Regime for CCPsshow document
  • EACH publications
  • Copyright ©2022 European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH).
    All rights reserved. EACH aisbl, Avenue des Arts 6 – 1210 Brussels, Belgium. EACH is registered in the European Union Transparency Register with number 36897011311-96