Position papers

Joint Associations’ High-Level Principles on the Implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
EACH CSDR Settlement Discipline Framework – Updated Version – June 2024
Joint Associations’ Letter – European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)
EACH Paper – CCP Core Cyber Incident Handling Principles – May 2024
EACH Forum Paper: Decentralized Clearing? An Assessment of the Impact of DLTs on CCPs
CCP12/EACH paper on CCP Governance and Default Management Groups – (Default Auctions Category 2 issues)
Joint association paper on Client participation – (Default Auctions Category 2 issues)
Joint Associations’ Letter – Call for an urgent expansion of the collateral requirements in energy markets
Joint Associations’ Letter – Relieve cash liquidity pressure on market participants by extending eligible non-cash collateral
EACH Paper – Enhancing the eligibility of collateral: Bank Guarantees and Emission Allowances
EACH Letter – Restrictions brought by the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)
EACH Note – Timelines for the transition to risk-free rates
Joint Associations’ paper on access to short-term liquidity or guarantees provided by public entities and extension of eligible collateral to maintain the functioning of EU energy markets in times of extreme wholesale price development
EACH Paper – CCP access to Central Banks’ facilities
EACH Paper ‘CCP resilience during the COVID-19 Market Stress’
EACH Paper ‘Best Practices in CCP Credit Risk Management’
Joint Association paper on Terminology and Operational Aspects (Default Auctions Category 1 issues)
Correlation Breakdowns, Spread Positions, and CCP Margin Model
EACH Paper ‘Climate Risk and CCP Risk Management’
EACH Paper ‘Carrots and sticks: How the skin in the game incentivises CCPs to perform robust risk management’
EACH Note on Digital Operational Resilience (DORA)
EACH Framework on CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime – Updated Version
EACH note on EMIR Article 49: Review of Model and Parameters
‘Let’s make markets safer, not weaker’ – An EACH note on CCP Recovery and Resolution
EACH Framework on CSDR Settlement Discipline
Uncleared Margin Rules – EACH takes note of the work on uncleared margin rules and calls for its efficient implementation – IOSCO
CCPs Recovery & Resolution – EACH welcomes the European Parliament’s vote on CCP Recovery and Resolution and warns about unsubstantiated capital increase proposal. – European Parliament
EACH note on the role of Central Bank of Issue in the context of EMIR Review
Letter to the Basel Committee on Leverage Ratio
Leverage ratio
EMIR, equivalence – EACH welcomes EU-US agreement on a ‘Common approach for transatlantic CCPs’ – European Commission, CFTC
EACH views on portfolio margining
Extension of the use of bank guarantees in the context of EMIR
Best practices for CCPs stress tests
Additional subjects – An effective Recovery and Resolution Regime for CCPs
An effective Recovery and Resolution Regime for CCPs
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